
Capture Sweet

Sweet Southern Maryland Lifestyle Newborn Session

The last time I did a newborn session for my cousin, Amanda, I was just starting out in photography, still building my portfolio, a new mom myself with another one already on the way. Here we are just over two years later, and I got to meet sweet baby Adelyn. 

Amanda proved to be wonder woman, finding that Adelyn was ready to come into the world and that she needed to start pushing before she could get an epidural. (And yes, I know many women manage to do this, but I sincerely admire those who do because I don’t know if I could do it!) Miss Adelyn Rose came charging into the world at 10:38am on October 17th, and weighed all of 6 lbs 13 oz. Her name, Adelyn, is a combination of Amanda’s grandmothers’ names, which became even more meaningful for Amanda when her one grandmother passed away during this pregnancy. I could not wait to meet her. 

My first task, upon walking through the door for this newborn session, was to get big sister Kali to warm up to me. Unfortunately, we only get to see each other a few times a year, as we live about an hour and a half from each other. But Kali warmed up quickly and was soon ready for a rousing game of jumping on the bed while baby Adelyn filled her belly up.

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We captured some sweet sister photos, and some beautiful family photos. Then our sweet big sister Kali was led away to crash for her nap, and mom and I worked to get little Adelyn sleepy for some sweet simple portraits.

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Adelyn, you were born into a family where you were loved so much before you even arrived. You are so fortunate to have such an amazing big sister, and a mom and dad who just adore you. I can’t wait to watch you grow.  

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