
Capture Sweet

Sweet Sunrise Family Photos | Pasadena, Maryland

This family holds an extra special place in my heart. I met Kandace at a mom’s night for moms of children who went to Budding Voices for speech therapy and other therapies. I felt an instant connection with Kandace and have been incredibly grateful that our friendship has continued to grow. Last year, I had the honor and privilege to both witness and document the birth of her second sweet little boy, Amos Lee. I was so happy when she asked to have her family photos documented again this October.

For Kandace and Lonnie’s family photos, we tend to stay close to home. It makes it easier on the boys, and we are fortunate to have this lovely little neighborhood beach that they can walk to from their home. Their first son, Owen is an early riser, so early morning sessions are a breeze.

We met at the beach on this chilly October morning, documented some snuggles and played with some sand. Owen and Amos both got a little hungry not long into our session, so we took breaks for snacks.

In addition to their wonderful parents, Owen and Amos are fortunate to have another very special person in their life. Naz, an au pair from Mexico, arrived last year just a few weeks before Amos was born. She is so incredibly sweet with both the boys, and her bond with Owen is truly something wonderful to witness. Kandace just told me that Naz extended to stay with them a whole extra year and I was thrilled, both for them and for me as I know I will get to witness their bond grow and document it again.

I’ve been photographing this family for a few years now. You may have seen my first session with them, where I mentioned that Owen was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC), a genetic condition which causes tumors to grow in the body’s vital organs, including the brain, heart, eyes, kidneys, skin, and lungs. It is the leading genetic cause of epilepsy and autism. With these challenges, it is such a blessing to watch Owen continue to grow and learn and to see him surrounded by so much love.

I truly appreciate Kandace and Lonnie inviting me into their lives, allowing me to document their love and connection and special occasions in their lives. I’m looking forward to spending more time with them, and documenting the many memories to come.

If you are touched by Owen’s sweet face and his story, there are a few organizations that truly make a difference for him and others affected by TSC. The TS Alliance is dedicated to furthering research, providing education and supporting families affected by TSC. If you’d like to support the TS Alliance in their mission, please consider making a donation. Every little bit supports families affected by TSC and brings us one step closer to a cure.

Kandace and I will be participating in the Maryland Therapeutic Riding Virtual Pony Trot 5k (Nov 7th & 8th). All proceeds from the Maryland Therapeutic Riding Pony Trot will benefit Maryland Therapeutic Riding (MTR), an award winning therapeutic horseback riding center that has served participants throughout the state of Maryland since 1996. Owen rides and receives speech therapy at MTR and truly sees the benefit of being around these majestic creatures.

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