
Capture Sweet

Reynolds’ Family Fun Week! | Annapolis, Maryland

The Reynolds’ family regular family gatherings were interrupted, as so many lives were, by COVID19 and so Nancy and Tom were thrilled to have their four daughters and their families at their home for a 4th of July family fun week this summer. Nancy wanted to take the opportunity to document this time in their lives in photos, and I was given the honor of capturing these moments the day after the holiday at Nancy and Tom’s home in Annapolis, Maryland.

The afternoon of the 5th rolled in with some thunderstorms, and with Tom keeping an eye on the radar, we started our session at Nancy and Tom’s beautiful waterfront home. We had scheduled a little extra time so that we could roll with things as everyone was ready and take our time getting the kiddos excited to be in front of the camera.

Alison and Ted were ready first, and 5 year old John showed a lot of interest in photography himself. He snapped a few photos on my camera before he joined mom and dad, and little sister Claire, for their family portraits. There were lots of snuggles and tickles to go around.

Caitlin and Bill hopped in the frame next. I asked Peter and Natalie to go pile on mom and dad and both went and smothered mom with love while dad kicked back. We documented sweet hugs and kisses and maybe a game of thumb war.

I just love the moments in between, and we had lots of those . . . snuggles with grandma, playing with their special Auntie E, quiet moments with chalk.

Sweet little Haven had not been introduced to most of the family before this week! She is 16 months old and was doted on by grandma and grandpa and all of her aunts and uncles. Of course, when we did Kristen, Ben and Haven’s family photos, we had to get their fur babies, Gracie and Ella in the photo too!

Nancy and Tom have raised four beautiful daughters who are now starting these incredible families of their own. There was a clear bond, regardless of the fact that covid and miles have kept them apart. It was a true joy to witness the love and connection that they all share.

Erin and her sweet fur baby, Bo, took their turn in front of the camera. Erin told me that she had imagined herself with a big dog (which is not how one might describe Bo) but that Bo is the dog she never knew she wanted and exactly what she needed.

Then it was time for Erin to get a photo with all of her nieces and nephews. Claire felt that she was done at this point so mom, Alison, scooped her up and had her make an upside-down cameo in the special picture with Auntie E.

As mentioned, these sisters share a lot of love and a special bond . . . and apparently so do the brother-in-laws!

As we wrapped up portraits, some of the family prepared to make a store run for supplies to bake a cake, Peter and John enjoyed a game of ring toss with their grandma, and other family members wandered down to the pier to enjoy the water before more summer storms rolled in.

Nancy and Tom, thank you for allowing me to spend an evening with you during your precious family time, and thank you for trusting me to document this time in your lives, your children and your grandchildren’s lives. It was a privilege to capture these moments and to witness the love that is shared in your family.

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