
Capture Sweet

A New Baby Brother | Pasadena, Maryland

family of 5 sitting on bed, mom, dad and 3 boys with newborn baby

Alexander Ryan was welcomed into the world on October 23rd by mom, dad and two adoring big brothers. I love watching families and children grow and I got to know this wonderful family as their oldest, Will, attended preschool with my boys. I was thrilled to photograph their second son, Nicholas’s, newborn and one year photos, and when Nicole told me that she was pregnant with her third boy, I was also honored to be asked to document baby Alex when he came into the world.

Mama, Nicole, was soaking up the newborn sweetness and enjoying time with all of her little men. And it was clear to see how much they all love their mama.

mom holds newborn baby and snuggles with her 3 boys

There will certainly be some crazy times in a house filled with three boys, but there is also a lot of love amongst these three. Will is a kind and caring older brother, and Nicholas is just so proud to officially be a big brother. He doted on baby Alex and was so pleased when he got to hold his baby brother.

Daddy, Ryan, also enjoyed some time with his sweet boys. Alex was quite content to be cradled in daddy’s hands.

Nicole and Ryan took a moment, just the two of them, with their sweet new baby boy, and you could feel the love in the room. Alex is surrounded by so much love.

Nicole and Ryan, thank you for allowing me the honor of documenting this milestone in your lives. Your beautiful baby boy is so sweet and so loved. Will and Nick are going to be the best big brothers to Alex, and I love watching their individual personalities shine as they grow. I hope the coming days are filled with joy, that you find time to rest, and that are able to pause and soak in the moments of baby snuggles.

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