
Capture Sweet

Real Families • beautiful places • Timeless Memories

in home lifestyle

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Life was lived, lessons were learned, I’m still growing, as a human being, and so is my business. Read on to see what this year held for me and what I hope for in 2019 . . .

Year in Review: Reflecting on 2018

business, in home lifestyle, year end reflections

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I met this sweet mom at a mom’s night out held by the organization where both of our son’s attend speech therapy. When we started talking about getting a photo session in before Christmas, I was thrilled that she would consider an in home session. We took advantage of our local neighborhood park, and captured some in home photos that portray the love and laughter that this family so clearly enjoys . . .

Peaceful Sunrise Family Session in Pasadena, Maryland

family, in home lifestyle

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My friendship with Meredith dates back to early high school, with days of running around the ice rink where our brothers played hockey. We didn’t go to school together, and we lived an hour away from each other, but somehow a friendship developed that has endured over 20 years, and hopefully will continue for many more.

A Relaxed In Home Family Session in Washington D.C.

family, in home lifestyle

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It feels as if I have known the Palmer family my entire life. I went to elementary school with them, and Stephen is one of my brother’s closest friends. So I was very excited when Stephen contacted me last November to set up a family photo session as a Christmas gift for his mother.

Southern Maryland At Home Family Photo Session

family, in home lifestyle

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It feels as if I’ve known Brad and Jess forever. I have at least know them since Bradford, who we used to refer to as Little Brad, was around my Noah’s age. He recently had a birthday and is now in the double digits . . . not so little anymore. My parents and Brad’s parents met as “neighbors” at the beach, as in they had condos in the same building and spent several summer weekends soaking up the sun and good company in the sand in Ocean City, Maryland. And whenever I go to the beach, even though my condo is 17 streets away, I always end up on the beach by their condo because their street just has this amazing sense of community. And that is where I got to know Jess, Brad, Bradford and Josie.

Picturesque Backyard Family Photos in Pasadena, Maryland

family, in home lifestyle

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