
Capture Sweet

Real Families • beautiful places • Timeless Memories

The Capture Sweet Moments Blog

I know how hard it can be to be in the thick of things, with two toddlers running around like wild animals. I know how it feels to cry with them when we’re all having a hard day. I know what it’s like to feel like a terrible mom because I yelled because I was overtired, overwhelmed and stressed and they pushed all my buttons. I know how easy it is to forget that I am doing the best I can. I also know that I have the best job in the world as their mommy and that that can be hard to remember in the thick of things. 

My Why


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I received the first email announcing the categories for the 2018 VOICE weeks ago. I don’t believe I have ever entered a photography competition before. I don’t know what pushing myself to enter will accomplish, except that I hope it will push me to continue to develop as an artist. There are so many incredible pros out there, if I am being honest, it’s intimidating.

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway


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I had just had a baby via c-section and I had picked up photography 9 months before. I had been blessed by having my first son’s newborn photographer as my mentor, had shadowed her on sessions, and had done a few newborn sessions myself over the past several months.  Surely, I could do newborn photos for our newest addition myself. Now, almost a year and a half later, I’m going to tell you why I regret that decision . . . 

Why I Wish I’d Hired a Newborn Photographer


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