
Capture Sweet

Windy, Wonderful Family Fun |Annapolis, Maryland

Maria, Mike, Michael and William have been coming to see me at the Christmas tree farm for the last few years, and it’s been so fun watching the boys grow. This year, they decided to try something different and they met me, with their sweet labradoodle, Teddy, for their family photo session on a windy but warm evening in early November, at a park in Annapolis, Maryland.

There is something truly special about taking time to ease into a family session. Letting children play, climb and be themselves, and documenting these childhood moments, makes for the best memories. Mike and Maria clearly enjoyed their boys’ adventurous antics, as we played hide and seek among the trees on our journey down to the beach, and they joined in on the boys’ fun multiple times throughout our time together.

Fields of grass are made for running and the beach is made for treasure hunting. We played a few games of red light green light and enjoyed the laughter all around.

What do you do when your brother finds a really big stick shaped like a “Y”? You carry it around with you for the rest of your photo session, of course!

As we wrapped up our time together, we wandered down to the rocks by the water, admired the boats and tested our balance.

At the beginning of our session, Michael really wanted to roll down a big hill and I said of course he could at the end of our session (if that was okay with mom and dad!). So we ended our session with log rolls down a big hill through the fall leaves!

Maria and Mike, thank you for trusting me with capturing your family photos this year. I had such a blast with you and your boys (including Teddy!). It is an honor to document your family each year and a joy to watch your boys grow.

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