
Capture Sweet

Sweet Southern Maryland Cake Smash Photos | Hughesville, Maryland

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since sweet little James made his way into the world (about a month early, just like his older siblings had). It’s been such a privilege to watch this little guy grow. He is the youngest of five siblings in the Largen family, and from the time I did his newborn photos, after he arrived home from the NICU last year, I could tell he was adored.

James is the youngest, and the last, of five, and his wonderful mama was determined that not a moment of his first year would go undocumented. From milestone photos, to his baptism and his cake smash, she ensured that there were photos to remember each moment, each tiny detail. I feel so honored to have captured many of those moments, and it all reached a crowning moment as we watched him smash some cake to celebrate his first trip around the sun.

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When Jennifer messaged me a few weeks before his cake smash and asked if I would take photos her breastfeeding James, because he was the first one to make it all the way to a year, my response was, “Absolutely, yes!!!” I love capturing this bond between mother and child, and documenting something that was such an accomplishment for both James and Jennifer.

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James hesitated to dive into the cake, but enjoyed tasting the icing at his own pace. He had a little help breaking into the dense cake, and seemed to enjoy the little bites he took.

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But mostly, I think he enjoyed the company of those around him. James was surrounded by so much love, as siblings, cousins, his Nana and Pop-Pop all watched him celebrate.

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Cake smash photo sessions are some of my favorite, because I get to watch and photograph little ones exploring texture and taste at their pace. I feel so honored to be a part of this sweet little boy’s life, to be able to watch and document these moments for his mama to hold onto for years to come. Thank you, Jennifer, for trusting me to capture these moments and for always including me and counting me as family.

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