Real Families • beautiful places • Timeless Memories
Carly, Matt & Maeva first came to see me during my Limited Edition Christmas Truck sessions last November and they had a big announcement to make . . . Maeva was going to be a big sister!
I have been blessed to call Meredith a friend for a long time, and even though we sometimes go months without catching up with one another, every time we talk, I find out more and more how grateful I am that she is a part of my life. I’ve watched this woman handle both life’s struggles and triumphs with such grace. She shows leadership and intelligence in every interaction. I feel so fortunate that I’ve been able to be a witness to both the hard times and the joy in her life. So when she sent me a message this summer that she was due with a baby girl in September, I was both excited and honored that she asked me to capture some moments of her family before they became a family of 4, plus 2 doggies (who were their first babies).
Jen & Will are an incredibly sweet couple, dedicated to each other, to their work and to this new baby that they are bringing into this world. They met in Monterey, California, in Calculus class while attending Naval Postgraduate School, which they laugh about after being married for 8 years. But as anyone who has lived the military life can tell you, being married for 8 years does not mean being together for that long. There has been a lot of long distance, long drives home for the weekend while living in an RV in Norfolk (for Jen), and just generally making it work the Navy way.
Kandace has to be one of the sweetest women I know and I feel so blessed to have met her a little over a year ago at a mom’s night out. When we made some time to hang out this summer, I was absolutely delighted when Kandace told me that she was pregnant with her second. And then I was more than honored and elated when she asked if I would consider doing her birth photography . . .