
Capture Sweet

A Sweet New Sister, And a Home Full of Love

When baby Natalia arrived on August 29th, more than two weeks early, her mama was not at all surprised. Born 7 lbs, 7 oz and with a head full of thick, dark hair, this girl was ready for the world and she knew it.

And from the smiles, the quiet moments and the contented sighs that I witnessed at her in home newborn session in Washington, D.C., her family was ready for her as well.

Big brother, Daniel, was all smiles, whether he was enjoying his time in front of the camera, having a quiet moment to himself, enjoying his mama or his dad’s attention or playing with his baby sister’s tiny fingers and toes. There was no lack of love to go around, and it was truly a joy to watch Meredith and Fabrice’s faces light up at they gazed lovingly on their two beautiful children.

The giggles and the laughter continued as the whole family piled into mom and dad’s bed, including their two dogs, who have been their babies since before the human babies arrived and aren’t sure about sharing all this attention. But there was plenty of room for everyone, and everyone certainly got some love as we moved from room to room documenting the joy.

And of course, no newborn photo session is complete without documenting the details. The lashes, the fingers, the tiny toes, oh and the head full of hair . . . the only thing better is capturing baby smiles or a big show of personality, like Natalia did when she stuck her tongue out at me to show me what she thought of my camera!

I think hanging out in big brother Daniel’s room is my favorite place to document in the Vasquez house. Even if his bed isn’t as big as mom and dad’s, it still seems to have room for everyone in this family. Daniel was asked to kiss baby sister on the head, and then he made sure to share the love by giving everyone else in the family a kiss on the head as well. And clearly these furbabies are still very much adored as they snuggle in close to mom and dad.

Living in a city like Washington, D.C. may mean that families don’t have an abundance of outdoor space, but the spaces that Mere and Fabrice do have are fantastic for soaking in a little sunshine, hanging out with a book or relaxing as a family. We always enjoy some time out on the patio during their at home sessions, and I can see why it’s a space that they really enjoy.

As we wrapped up our session, Daniel was insistent that he wanted to go back downstairs to the living room. I am all about appeasing the little ones during sessions, because their happiness during photos is key to the whole families happiness, and creating good memories AND beautiful photos is the main goal of all of my sessions. And, as it turns out, the photos taken in their living room at the end of their in home newborn session are some of my favorite. Sweet little Natalia slept peacefully in mamas arms, while Fabrice read one of Daniel’s favorite books, “Sleep Train,” complete with fantastic dad sound effects.

Fabrice and Meredith, thank you for trusting me to capture your families memories and milestones as your family grows. Watching you two become parents and witnessing your family grow to a family of 4 (humans plus 2 furbabies) has been a true pleasure. I cannot wait to see the wonderful people that Daniel and Natalia grow into, and to continue to witness the joys that life brings you.

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