
Capture Sweet

Full Hearts and Full Hands | Annapolis, Maryland

Melissa’s birthday is November 7th and she thought that family photos at her home in Annapolis, Maryland, would be the perfect way to wrap up her birthday weekend and to celebrate herself and her family. And she felt overdue for family photos, not having had them done since sweet Holly (who is 20 months old) was born!

When I arrived, Charlotte and Holly were very busy and very happy exploring the yard, observing a praying mantis and running with their sweet collie, Indy. We played in front of the house, documenting some love and laughter with their beautiful family home as a backdrop. Holly had no interest in sitting still and that was okay! Toddlers on the move are my favorite. She did enjoy a few tosses in the air by her Daddy, and being hung upside down after we migrated to the backyard as the sun sank lower.

Melissa and Joey have a beautiful home and the perfect backyard for a session filled with fun and play. Charlotte and Holly enjoyed tossing leaves and shouting “Weeee!!!” as fall leaves rained down over their heads. All in all, this was a play filled family photo session and I really think those are my favorite kind! We went off of Holly and Charlotte’s leads and documented the sweetest moments and all the little details. We ended with some playground time and just time observing kids being kids.

Although one would hardly call a global pandemic a blessing, Melissa and Joey found the silver lining in 2020 for sure. They’ve gotten to spend more time at home with their girls, really getting to watch them grow and soaking in all the family time that they can. And I really loved when Joey and Melissa talked about how they met, how they were sat next to one another at orientation for work, and Melissa thought, “Oh this isn’t so bad, he’s pretty cute!”

Melissa and Joey, thank you for inviting me to document your family at this time in your lives. Thank you, Melissa, for allowing me to part of celebrating your birthday. Birthdays are days for those who love you to remember how thankful they are that you came into this world and into their lives. I know that Joey, Charlotte and Holly feel blessed to have you, and I had so much fun with all of you and I’m grateful that you came into my life!

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